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We Plug To You… Rebecca Clements

Rebecca Clements
Heartfelt intimacies of bruising lost love and the scars of broken hearts lay the foundations from 19 year old singer/songwriter Rebecca Clements from Bristol. Her premise is love, sorrow and the melancholy mournings exhale triumphantly, these hardships live and breathe throughout the raspings of this stoical young lady. Let me formally introduce to you – from the lament, welcome the voice from behind the affliction, a lady of measurable momentum already – Rebecca Clements.

It was earlier this year that Rebecca emerged on the scene with her spine-tingling “Wildlife” and it was an audacious break through that glided her and stamped her mark onto the musical world. A fearless first release from the teenager and one that would steadily immerse her music into the world and set the bar for what’s to come! Lyrics depicting the somber agonies, weighed down heavily by anguish and vocals very similar to Daughter, make for a desiring pairing.

A lyrical ballad of open and honest songs sporn the vulnerability from Clements, a diary of her inner-most buried feelings are brought to the surface. Floating gently over rough terrain of pained lyrics out from the abyss, beautiful and delicate songs glide from this poised individual. A fragility and a sensitivity prevail in what seems like her darkest hours as both her lyrics and production manifest, intertwining as they complementing one another. Her songwriting is her craft, a skill she possesses so naturally and easily.


2014 saw Rebecca play the legendary Reading and Leeds Festival on the BBC Introducing Stage, receiving esteemed support and recognition as one of the UK’s most exciting new acts to watch out for. Its hard to believe (without trying to be patronising) that this is all from a young woman of 19. Her music is already earning her credible phrase, many comparing her to the likes of Adele and Daughter, as these strong connotations are so apparent in Clements tone and writing ability. A significant maturity in her writing and voice illuminate throughout notably, and I’m sure it won’t be too long before the rest of the world catch on to this new rising talent!

Over the year, Rebecca has also released “Coma Boy” in addition to previous first track “Wildlife”, which only heightens the daringly dark motif of hurt and sorrow. Lyrics reflecting a realism, symbolized with sadness, spiralling significantly, “Coma boy what’s going on inside? Come on boy, just don’t switch off and die”. This is Clements at her most frank as she cleverly makes light, but with a sincerity of something riddled with sorrow and pain throughout continually. Lyrically at her most up-front, through pained murmurings, a hauntingly, black realism is delivered with strength and courage.

“Coma Boy”:

Its hard to believe that Clements has only a few songs to her name as yet that she has unveiled, as with the dynamism we would expect more under her belt, but I can imagine her best is still to come. It was nearly two weeks ago that new song “Love Child” with a heavy heart, pensively emerged with Clements now signature sound, the woe-be-gone whereabouts straight from the mystical mind of this intriguing lady. Just her and a guitar and that is all that is needed, no gimicks, this all makes for an honesty from Rebecca.

Deep and emotive, this lady definitely is, so in-tune with with her emotions and possessing her skill of songwriting to a tee will stand her in good stead. Still under the radar for now, but the more Rebecca Clements bares all musically, then she’ll be a name that everyone will know. An appealing reflectivism in her music, a skill she has crafted perfectly and one that delivers sheer realism. If you haven’t heard of Rebecca yet, then make sure you find out who this adept individual is!

“Love Child”:

Keep Tabs On Rebecca Clements: Facebook // Twitter // YouTube

Words by Melanie John // Edited by Ayo Adepoju

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