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WPGM Recommends: Liam Gallagher – As You Were (Album Review)

Liam Gallagher is back with a new album entitled As You Were. It has some great songs on it, but there also seem to be some other songs that should not be there in the first place. Although the album stormed to the top of the charts upon its release, the brit pop icon does not give the impression of a rejuvenating image on this album.

Musically, it is a mixture of Rock & Roll, ballads and of course classic Brit Pop tunes, sometimes reminiscent of previous tracks from his former band Oasis, and as a whole, As Your Were is a brave attempt to get back to the whole essence of Liam’s Brit Pop/Rockish signature.

Wall Of Glass” is a true Rock & Roll anthem all the way. Mysterious, loud guitars, this is Liam Gallagher at his best, and it is a great start of the album! He sings, “one day you will shatter like a wall of glass” – words that have never wanted to be said, but with his interpretation, we can’t imagine not hearing them!

Bold” and “Greedy Soul” both drift through guitars and drums effortlessly, and are backed by bold and edgy lyrics for rebels and sinners. “Paper Crown“, the first ballad of the album attempts to be romantic and is full of lovely acoustics and poetic lyrics, while “For What It’s Worth” reminds us of older Oasis songs.

It is led by great and relatable lyrics in true Oasis fashion, but there is nothing unique in the whole synthesis of the track which could have made it that more mesmerizing. The song is a story about heartbreak, describing how we lose our way sometimes.

When I’m In Need” does not seem exceptional, it is another ballad with no soul, but the next song is the quiet opposite. “You Better Run” is Rock & Roll and loud, making the listener want to just grab their pint or whatever else they are drinking and dance all the way to the dance floor. It is one of my favorites of the album, and it has the right edge needed.

I Get By” is like a music roller coaster, spinning and spinning over the same loop, while “Chinatown” is not Liam’s style at all, and contrasting to this one in the next song. On “Come Back To Me“, Liam is the good old lad that we know and love, lustful and promising. The track is a brit Pop revival – bold and mysterious.

Universal Gleam” is not one of my favorites. It has a much more universal appeal and could be described as a romantic tune, but that is just about it, nothing more, nothing less. He is older now but his music on this track is unfortunately not a mirror of his musical maturity and evolution through the years.

I’ve All I Need” is a ballad that should not be there in the first place, “Doesn’t Have To Be That Way” has the edge but not the spirit, while “All My People/All Mankind” is not the song that will make you feel for your fellow man or mankind. Lastly, “I Never Wanna Be Like You” is at the same motto as the previous one it does not have the nerve we anticipate from Gallagher.

Although this album is a nice effort at bringing back the glamorous times of the Brit Pop philosophy, it does not have the nerve needed, apart from only a few exceptions, making it not the best pick from the record shop.

However, for fans of Liam Gallagher, his music and culture, this album was very anticipated and well received, but if it was an album from an unknown artist, I do not know if the reaction to this one would be as massive, alluring the crowds and making it to the top of the charts.

Liam Gallagher’s As You Were is out now via Warner. Bros Records UK, purchase it on iTunes here.

Words by Nancy Chalkopoulou

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