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WPGM Reviews: Griff Live At O2 Institute Birmingham (In Pictures)

The last time Griff made her way to the city of Birmingham, she was supporting pop star Dua Lipa on her headline tour. Fast forward a few years, Griff took to the stages of multiple cities across the UK, with one being The O2 Institute in Birmingham.

Known for her catchy pop tunes and soulful voice, the wait was finally over for her fans. The air was filled with excitement as fans packed the venue, eager to witness the presence of Griff along with her powerful vocals. Anticipation ran high as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of what proved to be an unforgettable night of pop excellence.

As she made her way to the stage, she was greeted with a huge round of applause and cheers. The smiles on her fans’ faces said it all. She kicked things off as she meant to go on, with a burst of energy, captivating the audience with her charisma and soulful vocals.

From the opening notes of her hit single “Black Hole”, Griff commanded the stage with her confidence and poise, setting the tone for the night ahead. Her setlist consisted of songs including “Head On Fire”, “So Fast” and a cover of “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury, which altogether showcased her undeniable talent and star quality.

From the catchy beats to relatable lyrics, Griff’s performance showcased her versatility as an artist and left a lasting impression on the audience. The stage production added an extra visual element to the performance, with bright lights and a backdrop where Griff graffitied the tour dates on banners, creating even more of an experience. Combined with her infectious energy of her performance, the stage production helped elevate the show to new heights.

As the night progressed, the excitement reached a new level. Between the songs, she took the time to connect with her fans, and expressed her gratitude to everyone who came out to see her. Griff’s authenticity and warmth shone through in every aspect of her performance, creating a genuine connection with her audience that was captivating. From the sincerity in her voice to her stage presence, Griff’s authenticity was sincere, which sets her apart, not just as a talented artist but also her relativity factor.

In a surprising and intimate moment of the show, Griff took her performance to another level as she ventured into the crowd towards the B Stage. With the sea of fans gathered around her, armed with her acoustic guitar and talent, the fans were in for a treat.

Off the main stage, the performance took on more of an intimate and stripped back nature, allowing her vocals and lyrics to take center stage. Surrounded by her adoring fans, her presence felt even more intimate. This created even more of a connection between her and her fans, bridging the gap between the artist and audience.

As the night drew to a close, with songs including an unreleased track, “Cycles”, “Miss Me Too” and “Vertigo”. The last track to end the night was “Astronaut”. Griff showed her versatility as a performer, showcasing her clear talent and leaving fans with an authentic experience of what it is to be a true artist.

Words + Photos by Sarah Akomanyi

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