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WPGM Commentary: Lilly Ahlberg On The Making Of Her Debut EP ‘Call Me’

My name is Lilly Ahlberg – I am a half Swedish, half English singer-songwriter. I’ve lived around the world in places like Italy, Norway, Sweden, the UK and Australia. I’m now living in London and my latest music is drawn from my experiences in the city so far.

I have been performing music ever since I first picked up a guitar at the age of 14, when my brother taught me how to play “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman.

I knew I wanted to make music after learning to play and then starting my own YouTube channel where I uploaded my music and covers. I had originally only intended to upload videos of my music for my friends to watch – I was excited when quickly lots of people around the world started following my channel and my music.

Call Me is my first EP. It’s a body of work that represents my first couple of years living in London and touches on all the different highs and lows that come with being a young adult. The EP is full of feelings, whether they be good or bad, honest or liberating.

This EP is all about collaboration and co-writing. I did a lot of writing sessions with lots of different writers and producers when I first moved to London which was so much fun and I learnt so much from it.

I think that in situations where you’ve only just met the other songwriter or producer, you end up writing something just off their first impressions of you and what you’ve got on your mind in that moment. And I think something really natural and beautiful can come from moments like that.

I wanted Call Me to be 100% Lilly, but what I didn’t want was to force myself to put all the songs into a little box and make sure they all complimented each other perfectly, because I think it’s so much more refreshing to have songs that sound quite different – it’s more interesting for the listener to hear! I think we did a good job with finding that balance in this EP.

The inspiration for these songs was honestly my life and what was going on in it at the time. There are definitely more personal songs on the EP like ‘Hurting’ and ‘Moonlight’, however they have all been influenced by my life in one way or another as that’s where I get most of my inspiration when writing.

When it comes to the sound and vibe of the EP, I am heavily inspired by minimalism, alternative pop and acoustic folk music. I think because what I listen to is quite broad, this automatically transfers to my own material.

For me it’s important that the overall ‘feel’ of the song is pleasing. I definitely prioritise melodies and the way things sound over a lyric. I love how with ‘Call Me’ we accomplished a combination of Scandinavian minimalism & UK synth vibes – as I’m half Swedish, half English, I guess it kind of makes sense!

Most of the songs on the EP are about feelings and emotions. “Hurting” is my most vulnerable song, as it was the result of my first break up. “Moonlight” is also full of emotions but instead of being focused on another person, it’s about my own consciousness and internal anxiety and turbulence.

The song “Fool” is also a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, it’s about getting sucked into toxic relationships with guys, going after the ones that don’t really want or respect you. Then on the other side of things we have “Naked” and “Call Me” which are more playful and light, which I think this EP really benefits from.

“Call Me” is in the same vein as “Fool”, where you’re wanting people that don’t want you back but it’s twisted into a more humorous and bright context. “Naked” is a great addition to this EP I think, it’s a simple, yet fun and catchy song which I think a lot of people can relate to as it’s basically just about having a massive crush on someone!

I am honestly so happy with this EP and that everyone can finally hear it! Listen to it below!

Words by Lilly Ahlberg // Follow her on Facebook + Instagram

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