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WPGM Commentary: Mila Robert Wants Freedom And Independence On Her New EP ‘Gap Summer’

Hey, you guys! My name is Mila Robert and I’ve been singing all over my small country (Bulgaria) for almost 10 years now. I was 15 when I started playing on the streets and one year after that began singing in bars and clubs.

I’m 25 now, I’ve studied acting and I’ve worked in theaters for a while, but 4 years ago I’ve realized that writing and performing music is what I need to be doing. Music is the love of my life andI wanna to do this forever.

For the past 4 years, I’ve built a sort of steady career over here, released many singles, one LP and one EP, had some great fun, won over a fantastic audience, connected with an incredibly talented Bulgarian musicians, bought a car, settled in a home of my one.

And actually – I have no reason to complain, I can stay here and live my best life BUT my dream has always been to travel through my work. I wanna meet new people, see new places and change myself on the way. Always shifting, never remaining the same.

Almost 2 years ago, I started making beats and learning how to produce music myself. This Gap Summer EP is the beginning of a long new path I’m embarking on. I felt the urge to do something new in my whole body, mind and soul.

Last summer, I had done more than 30 demos, on the beach, with the laptop, just fooling around. Ultimately, I chose 6 of them and polished everything with some great local producers. That’s how we ended up with what you’re listening right now.

The EP’s opening track is produced entirely by myself. This song is me saying to the world and to myself “I’m ready, let’s do it all, I want it, but no rush – everything is going to be alright”.

Of course, I had to make some changes in my personal life as well. I had to “Break Up With U” – lovely boy, honest and devoted, we’ve been taking care of each other for quite some time now, but we are so not meant to be.

It was time to set myself free from my good and safe relationship, with a boy who can’t listen to chalga (a Balkan style of music, considered by intellectuals as provocative and tacky). The problem is that I’m provocative and tacky and he couldn’t really vibe with that…

I imagined him falling for “That Girl” so that I could let him go easily. This song is about us girls, beautiful babes, always comparing each other and looking for reasons to bring ourselves down. We are all beautiful and we deserve good love.

And it’s a fact that “I Love Me, I Love Boys”! I like flirting, I’m not really sure that I can handle monogamy, yet. Life is so exciting, people have so much to teach you and you have so much to teach them, let’s live! And be thankful, blessed…

“Born In Debt” is a song about the strong women out there. A lady who can take care of a man, a lady who is a man in a way. All of the female figures in my family are like that. They can bring the love; they can bring the money. Prejudices drives me crazy, this song is the opposite of everything expected from a woman.

At rare moments, I feel like a “Lazy Baby F**k”, scared and depressed. Wondering if I’m worth it. Beating myself up. Not being able to get out of my head. The last song is from me to me. It’s okay to be scared, but you gotta get up and do the shit! Cause nothing can possibly happen without action.

This is my first body of work in English. It’s definitely just the beginning, so you can expect me in your town randomly popping up in a bar and singing my heart out.

I want nothing more, nothing less, but to try to make a world a safer place with my energy.

I love you. Thank you for the attention! Listen to Gap Summer below.

Words by Mila Robert // Follow her on Twitter + Instagram

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