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WPGM Interviews: Lots Holloway – Clever Music, Rock ‘n’ Roll Ideas And ‘Stay A Little Longer’

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Lots Holloway: a name that will find its way on mainstream pop records shortly. From a small town in Cornwall, Lots moved to London in 2011 to pursue a career in music. She participated in X Factor in 2012 and has recently released two singles that have put her back in the spotlight: “World’s On Fire” and “Stay A Little Longer”.

This artist is one of a kind with her creativity and ability to take words and turn them into music, visuals and a journey for the listener. She writes all her songs, plays guitar, drums, bass, she directs her videos, she is in charge of every little part of her work in order to make her vision come true.

When talking to We Plug Good Music about her music, Lots describes how she has always been drawn to it since she was younger, and how she ended up being a self-taught multi-instrumentalist. “There’s something that music does to me which I can’t explain. There are so many ways in which you can put music together, like making a magic potion, and they all feel different, on a physical level and when I hear ‘clever’ music, I can feel it”.

With classic rock music playing a big role in her upbringing, Lots describes the artists that have formed her, and that have inspired her current sound and style. “David Bowie and Kate Bush also both make clever and complex music, it’s often wonky and weird, and when you can make wonky and weird sound amazing, you know you’re really onto something. I loved listening to Queen and Pink Floyd growing up, I liked their very theatrical sounding music and lyrics, it was never just a song, it was a story”.

Those great artists are not the only influence in her life, as she describes what inspires her lyrics and the meaning behind her songs. “Although my music isn’t rock ’n’ roll, that’s where my ideas have started. Lyrics usually come to me in moments of idleness, I can’t say I’m inspired by books or films – they’d be more likely to found in conversation, things people say to me or vice versa”.

“Stay A Little Longer”, which came out on July 7, is a dark, psychedelic, instrumental song that describes manipulative people, a darker sound for Lots but the perfect example of her talent and flexibility, as the song differs greatly from the previously released single.

Her vocals are the focus of the song, recreating the way it feels to be manipulated by people to all her listeners and increasing the power of the beautifully written lyrics. “It was written quite a while before. I wrote ‘Stay A Little Longer’ one very late night, after having one too many beers alone in my old house. I was in quite a dark place”.

Lots Holloway’s creativity is impressive, a shining light in the world of pop music that will definitely find herself climbing the music charts. For more of her music, we have to wait a little longer, as her EP will be out in October, which will show the full entity of her musical talent.

“I’d have to say there is a slightly more uplifting and positive feel to the EP in contrast to the darker themes explored in my last three releases. There are big drums, loud and weird noises and some catchy melodies”. It will definitely be worth waiting as Lots Holloway is an artist worth watching.

She will also be playing around the UK soon, giving everyone the chance to see her performing these songs live. Stay tuned on her Facebook and Twitter for more information on the exact dates.

Words by Martina Di Gregorio

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