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WPGM Reviews: Jake Scott Live At El Rey Theatre (In Pictures)

On November 20, Jake Scott performed at the The El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles closing out his ‘Lavender’ tour. It was a night filled with great music by opening performers Brynn Cartelli, Rosie, and then finally Jake Scott. The two openers really set the vibes and energy for Jake, but they also showcased their talents.

Jake Scott is one of the most energetic performers I have seen live, from the very second he walked on stage to his final encore song. Jake started with “CWJBHN” and quickly followed it up with my favorite song “Maybe”.

Jake is famous for his love songs, and I think that’s how he grew most of his fanbase, but that is not all he is limited to. His music also has a way of getting people to dance and really let go.

Jake is very captivating live, and his fans really feed off his presence. The energy from the audience was amazing, and very loving. There are some shows you go to where the crowds aren’t welcoming, and this audience was the complete opposite, everyone was just filled with love and kindness.

Jake Scot was truly one of the best concerts I’ve been to. His music is great and hits you right in the feels. His performance at The El Rey in Los Angeles was his last show of the ‘Lavender’ tour, but Jake announced an album which means another tour, so keep an eye out for Jake’s new album as well as a tour in 2023.

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