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WPGM Commentary: Allen Anjeh Is Done With One-Sided Relationships On ‘Once In A Million’

How far ma pipo? That means “what’s up my people?” in Cameroonian pidgin language. My name is Allen Anjeh and I am a Cameroonian singer/songwriter based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am here to share with you all some insights of my second single “Once In A Million” from my debut EP Ó mmɛ ne.

This song really touches base on relationships that feel one-sided and never reciprocated, as well as being extremely emotionally draining. We all know one of those relationships or friendships in which you feel like you’re continuously sacrificing and the other person is taking full advantage of you, and you’re basically shouting “enough!”

The main themes for “Once In A Million” in my opinion is definitely communication, boundaries, self love, liberation, frustration, insecurities, one another, feeling misunderstood etc. It is a recurring theme throughout this project. These are all emotions that I endured in the creative process of it.

“Once In A Million” is a beautiful song written by myself and a dear friend of mine AZEKEL, who is also a recording artist and producer based in London from Nigeria and a very gifted soul. Our mutual friend Emmanuel ‘Scatty’ connected us and the energy was instantly vibrant, I knew I wanted to work with him.

We flew him out to Copenhagen, and I remember being anxious because I genuinely believe he is a brilliant artist, and I didn’t want to fumble in his presence; I was in my head a lot, but he was incredibly supportive considering it was our first time meeting and working together.

I recall him telling me about this beat he was working on, and when he played it, I instantly thought to myself, “Yes, this is the one.” I was hooked on that baseline, it was just different and I felt so connected to it.

We immediately started freestyling melodies on the beat and the writing process flowed naturally because we were both in tune with what we were trying to accomplish with the song.

The inspiration for this song was definitely the headspace that I was in at the time and the emotions that were flowing through me and I would definitely say that over time the significance of the song has also evolved for me.

“Once In A Million” signifies a million and one things to me, therefore I connect with it quite differently since, in some ways, it is my liberation song, reminding me of where I always want to be, which is home, as in the motherland.

So, listening to this song instantly takes me back home. In the sense that I have always felt misunderstood since moving here to Denmark, having to adapt to a whole new social environment and culture and the way I have to manoeuvre in order to be heard and respected for simply being me.

Especially at such a young age as 12, I had to grow a thick skin to protect myself from the ills of this society. It’s a challenge, and I have a love/hate connection with my new home, but it’s all part of my journey and I see everything as a blessing in disguise.

So “Once In A Million” constantly reminds me of what it’s like to be a child of an immigrant in a predominantly white society, and I believe many people can relate to that.

However, I hope that this song can encourage people to stand up for themselves and speak their truth. I believe that everyone’s voice should be heard regardless, because this is how we ignite vital conversations in our society, which in my opinion is desperately required in our time and I try my best to translate that in my craft.

The visuals for “Once In A Million” is shot in Ghana and directed by one of my dearest sisters’ Emmanuelle Loca-Gisquet, who directed all the upcoming visuals for my debut EP Ó mmɛ ne and I am so excited to unbox what we have in store for you guys.

Watch the music video for “Once in A Million” below and stream it everywhere else here

Words by Allen Anjeh // Follow her on Instagram

Photography by Chantal Azarih // Follow her on Instagram

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