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WPGM Commentary: Eveline Is Ready To Say Goodbye On ‘Feeling Called Love’

Hi, my name is Eveline and I’m an artist and singer from Berlin, Germany.

I write music to describe my own soundtrack for nights and days and feel inspired by film scores and good food. Cinematic arrangements and the constant play of tense and release are getting me hyped.

Sometimes a song describes a big story with its dramaturgy and sometimes a song is catching a precise detail of the story – a brief snapshot, like my new release “Feeling Called Love”. I’d like to give you an insight on the meaning behind it.

I got inspired to write “Feeling Called Love” on a cloudy summer morning. The night before, I was meeting some good friends of mine. I don’t remember what exactly we were talking about or what we were up to (I don’t think this really matters on these kinds of evenings), but as usual drinks and moments of exaggerated expression were included.

I do remember back then, it felt as a very “needed” night to me. To be fair, at some periods in life, I tend to seek those behaviour patterns. To reanimate any sort of “confirmation” boosters, I talk too much, too loud, dance too wild and behave completely over the top. Right in those moments, I feel therefore I am: a party clown.

When I am watching back to this kind of event, sarcastic point of view, it feels as if I’m just creating myself the final overload to be able to get rid of the emotional junk to slowly rebuild again after some time (as if this would’ve ever worked).

Rational truth is, I might have just had too much time avoiding the miserable reality of a heartbreak. A pain that needs to be permitted if you want to get over it. But it seems as if “avoiding” is typical human behavior. Truly this is why I came up with this song: A heartbreak. As simple as it is?

The morning after, I woke up in my bed. Alone. Hungover. Slow. No one there to fill the void. This person disappeared like a ghost, left me in shock for some time, but in this moment when I took the guitar that I still can barely play and picked those incredibly crooked chords, I was feeling peacefully empty for the first time.

My night out took the rest of my capacity of inner action. It wasn’t my first heartbreak and probably won’t be the last. Life taught me many times before how constant change is and how people come and go. Everybody with a reason, everybody with a story.

Those who hurt you the most, are often the most broken themselves. On this morning, I felt ready to say goodbye for the first time. With love instead of grief.

That’s it. No fancy words, no fancy singing or music. I just wanted to share this one moment. Since I like to describe my music in soundtracks, I’d say this one is a calming moment of release. The soundtrack of a slow, hungover morning in my bed.

Some months after I wrote the first demo, I made the lofi production together with Jan Eric Markert, who I am working together since I started to put out music in 2017.

“Feeling Called Love” is my 7th single in 2021. For next year, I’m planning to release a bigger project, but until then you can listen to the music I was putting out until now. Thank you for listening <3 Listen to "Feeling Called Love" below and stream it elsewhere here.

Words by Eveline // Follow her on Twitter + Instagram

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